**There are no longer any diapers or nighttime shorts being used. Little Michael is now sleeping through the night and going all day without any accidents. I have been waiting for my first accident while we are out in public but even then he does really well. He lets us know. So we are doing great. That sure saves a lot of money, not having to buy all those diapers. It actually feels weird to go to the store and not have to spend $30 on a box of diapers every two weeks.
**Michael finally got his motorcycle done. For those who don't know Michael has a 2002 Yamaha Warrior street bike and he took it apart and sanded it and repainted it Flat Black. It looks great. It was his first time so it was quite a challenge. Lots of swear words coming out of that garage there for awhile. But just in time for summer it is all done and it looks great, now we can get ready for our BBQ's and uncover the pool table.
**A couple weeks ago my little brother Dylan gave us a scare when he wrecked his dirt bike at the Dunes in Moses Lake. He ended up in the hospital overnight with a bruised lung and was bleeding from his ear. He is alright now but man he gave us a scare. Makes being this far away extremely difficult sometimes.
**All the classes are over at church for the summer so it's been a little quieter around here but I miss it already. Our MOPS groups still meets in the summer at different parks around town so that will be fun. I am still volunteering in the office at the church and I really enjoy it. The week of June 9th - 13th is Vacation Bible School and I have decided to volunteer for that too. Should be fun. I will have 5 kids in my group and my niece Brittany will be one of them. I'm looking forward to it. Little Michael gets to go too. Little Michael has been praying at night. He is so cute. He sits on his bed with his legs crossed, his hands folded together and he rests his chin on his hands, closes his eyes and says Thank you Jesus for mommy and daddy and my family. Amen. It is so cute he nods his head when he says Amen. I have tried other prayers with him but he likes to say that one. I sing Jesus Love Me to him all the time. It's so cute when he tries to sing it because he says "Jesus love me, in the sky" and that's all he says. So cute. He loves to sing, I think he is mixing Jesus Love Me and Twinkle Little Star.
**It is finally warming up, now if the wind would stop blowing it would be great. Time to get ready to go Hooligan fishing. We have been going for walks in the evening with Little Michael so he can ride his bike. He loves it. We take him to the park and he makes me nervous. He climbs up on everything and has no fear. He surprises me every day with the things he is learning. We got him a little T-Ball set and play in the backyard with him and for 3 years old he really surprises us that he really loves it. He can actually throw the ball in the air with one hand and hit it with the bat. The first time he did that Michael and I just looked at each other, we didn't even know what to say. Neither one of us taught him that. Can't wait for him to get into sports when he's older.
**We hope all is well with everyone. We just got family pictures done over Mother's Day weekend finally. We'll send them out when we get them back. Take care and we love you.