We had some really nice weather this summer. It has been raining off and on the last week but it's still pretty warm. We even had a couple days in the 80s. Amazing. Loved it.
The end of May we made the annual trip to Homer to Memorial Weekend/Hope's Birthday and spent 5 days on the boat. Loved it. Caught some halibut and enjoyed the family. Michael and his Grandma got a huge halibut which was amazing because we were in a cove just hanging out after clam digging on shore. Here is a picture of the infamous halibut.
The 4th of July we went to the Wasilla parade and we had a bbq in the afternoon. The 4th is pretty quiet around here.
My father in law bought Little Michael a Mini Chopper. He loves it.

We've been enjoying friends and family coming out from Anchorage to visit us. Lots of bonfires and barbecues. Hopefully someday soon my family can make it back up. Hint Hint!!! ;) Well in the next coming months we are looking forward to the State Fair and my birthday in August. Hopefully we get some good weather.
Hope all is well for everyone and we love and miss everyone.