Well it is the first week in July and we still have only had a couple of really nice days. I think the high we have had so far this year was about 70. But that is much better than in the 100s like it is back home in Washington. Michael is enjoying playing outside and swimming in the pool at his Grandparents house. He's getting braver and braver every year, doesn't want any help, wants to "swim" by himself. I think this is the first year in history that it is July and I haven't gotten a sunburn yet. Little Michaels native genes are kicking in and he is getting nice and dark and so is his Daddy. I got to see my niece and nephew, Austin and Brittney when they got to stay the night with us on their way to Adak to see their Grandma. Little Michael was so happy.
Got some good news. My best friend Tia and my little brother Dylan are coming to visit me for my birthday this year. Whew hew. I am so excited. Tia, Michelle and I are going to the Casting Crowns concert on August 9th. GIRLS NIGHT!!!! ;) Only thing better than 2 of my favorite girls and I having a girls night with Casting Crowns is if Jamie was going to be here too.

Michael is growing up so fast and as you can see in this picture he is taking after his Mama and loves music. He loves to sing. If you give him a microphone he won't give it back. He started running around the house with a plastic baseball bat holding it like a guitar and singing so we got him a real one. I'm sure I will get killed for this next one since he is in his underwear but here he is playing his new "cutar".

That's my boy. You cannot imagine how happy I was to hear him singing and in tune. And one of his favorite songs is Jesus Loves Me. Doesn't get any better than that. But his Daddy says as long as he is the next George Strait and not the next Justin Timberlake then we are good. Hehehe. He also loves to dance. He likes to imitate his cousin Miah who is an awesome dancer. He is like a little sponge right now. Learning things so fast.
I have to show you all another picture of Michael that I took with my phone. The crazy thing about this picture is that because it was taken with my phone there was no flash so no one can figure out how it turned out the way it did with all the white light around him. I can only think of one explanation. What about you?? :)
Well we hope everyone is having a good summer. We miss and love you all.