Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What, Me Worry??

I use "Our Daily Bread" booklets as my daily Bible study. Well I felt like sharing the one I did today because I think it is a really good one. (It is the one from July 3rd, yes I'm a little behind). I have always been a worry wart so this one today kind of made me step back and think about how I have been.
I have to admit I couldn't just pick one of these following 3 questions. I had to pick all three. No matter how hard I try there are always times when I am still a real worry wart. Which in turn makes me crabby, which causes me to probably not be so nice. It's a domino effect. Gotta love my husband for putting up with me. :)

Worry may be a symptom of a bigger problem............
1. Lack of gratitude for the way God has cared for us in the past?
2. Lack of faith that God really is trustworthy?
3. Refusal to depend on God instead of ourselves?

Don't let worry hold you back from what God may be trying to teach you. Give your worries to Him. (Phil 4:6)

When you feel the tension mounting,
And across the busy day
Only gloomy clouds are drifting,
As you start to worry - Pray!

To be anxious about nothing, Pray about everything.

1 comment:

Jess Slusher said...

Seems like God knows we are prone to fuss and worry about stuff we can't control. Thanks for the reminder Tresa!