Hey hey everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! We had a wonderful and busy Christmas. We had Michael's company Christmas Party at Settler's Bay Lodge. Never been there before but it was awesome. Wonderful food. I even had a Mojito! Whew hew, I know, don't overdo it right. Like we do every year, unless we are in Washington, we went to my sister-in-law Hope's house on Christmas Eve. We had a blast and ate lots of great food like we always do. That woman rocks. We could all learn a thing or two from her. They even had a chocolate fountain. YUMMY! We spent the night at Michael's parents house so we could wake up there for Christmas morning. We opened presents and made a huge mess, no fun if you don't. We all went sledding on the 26th and it was COLD!!

We came home on Saturday to find that Santa had visited our house too. Little Michael was so happy. Everything he opened was his favorite. I even wrapped an outfit for him in a big Ritz crackers box and he was so excited he said, "Look Mommy my favoritest crackers ever!" Now Michael's sister said she is going to get him crackers for his birthday. ;) We went back to Anchorage for New Years and spent it at Michael's parents house. We usually do. Not really into the whole party thing. So we played board games with his sister Michelle and her daughter Brittany and rang in the New Year.
When I look back over 2008 it seems like it went so fast I don't remember much. Things with Michael's company changing a lot. Tia coming to visit us. Us moving to a different town which is still a little strange. Michael turning 3 and me boohooing about it. LOL!
Plans for 2009???? We are having Easter at our house this year which I am so excited for. We have the perfect yard for the egg hunt and I am so happy to have a bigger house so we can actually have everyone here for dinner. Michael will be 4 in April which I cannot believe. He is growing up way too fast. And there was one more thing but I can't remember what it was...hmmmmmmmmmmmm....... OH YEAH GO TO QUINCY!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew hew! I am so excited I haven't even thought about much else. We are planning on being in Quincy for 2 weeks or a little more around the 4th of July. Which rocks because it's light up here in Alaska till like 3AM. Not only that but it is my Dad and Karen's 20th Wedding Anniversary on July 15th so you know we will have to celebrate that. How cool is that. Anyway, I really do hope that I get to see all of you when we come. It will be the first time a lot of you will get to meet my awesome husband and I am very excited about that. We love you all and we hope your New Year brings you Love, Hope and Happiness!!
Love Ya!!
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