Christian fellowship is essential to spiritual growth.**
"Christian fellowship involves more than visiting over a cup of coffee in the church kitchen between Sunday school and worship service."
I have to be honest and say that I didn't even know what fellowship really meant until a couple years ago. When I started attending church in Washington a couple years ago it was entirely different from when I was a kid. As a kid going to church with my grandparents was like going to any other appointment. I know that sounds bad but every Sunday morning we would go to church, sit, listen and try to keep Grandpa awake so Grandma didn't get mad at him. Then you go home and go about your life. However, Faith Community Church in Quincy was an entirely different experience for me. I was welcomed with open arms into a family. They were wonderful. I started attending small groups 2 nights a week and services on Sunday (when I could get off work on Sunday). Those people became true friends that I knew I could trust and were there for me. They cared about me and what was going on in my life. Even now living back in Alaska I still keep in touch with most of them. I have found a church home here in Anchorage where I feel just as comfortable and have made some great connections. I have to thank everyone at Faith Community for teaching me what fellowship really meant. I want to thank Dad for showing me what Christ can do in someones life. I love you so much. I want to thank Pastor Jess for changing my life. I didn't even know you but I felt very comfortable going to you. And I have to thank Donna, Brenda and Gena for being my Big Sisters in Christ. Last but definitely not least I want to thank Tia for going through all of this with me. I love you. You have all had a huge part in changing my life.
Awww! I love you Tres and miss you more than you know. It makes me smile to read your blogs and know that you are doing so well. Give little Michael a hug and kiss from me :) Love Always ~Tia
"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." That is speaking of Jesus. Now He is duplicating that in His disciples, He is making them like Himself and the word of God is becoming alive in them. That is what He is doing in you! I am so thankful for all that God is doing in your life, Tres. Thank you for the encouragement you give to us!
Awww! You just about made me cry girl! That blog was soo sweet!
You are very special to me and I am excited to see what the Lord has done and will continue to do in you.
You Rock
Love Gena
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