Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy 50th Birthday Dad. I love you so much, you are the best. I have to thank you for being my best friend and doing so much for us kids all these years.

The Perfect Father

I love you because you're my father,
But you're really so much more;
You're a guide and a companion;
You and I have great rapport.

You pay attention to me;
You listen to what I say.
You pass on words of wisdom,
Helping me along the way.

Whenever I'm in trouble,
You always have a plan.
You are the perfect father,
And I'm your biggest fan!

Hero Dad

You are my hero, Dad
You're my secure foundation.
When I think of you, I'm filled with love
And fond appreciation.

You make me feel protected;
I'm sheltered by your care.
You're always my true friend;
When I need you, you're always there.

You have a place of honor
Deep within my heart.
You've been my hero, Dad,
Right from the very start.

This Week

Well today is only Tuesday and this week has already been a doozy. Sunday I was so sick I could barely move. My wonderful husband took good care of me and our son. Monday I thought I would feel a little better. Not so much. I lasted until a little while before I had to call Michael and ask him to come take our son to his Grandmas. Let me tell you this felt worse to me then being sick. I have never felt worse than feeling like I am not physically capable of taking care of my own child. So being the big baby that I am I turned into a big boob, cry baby. It sucked. Michael picked him up after work, came home cooked us dinner, did some laundry and did all the dishes so I would have hardly anything to clean up today. Wonderful man I have. He is so good to me. Almost made me look bad. Maybe I should go to work and he should stay home.....NOT. Today I am feeling much better, still a little week but I had a good day with Little Michael and we will have fun tonight while the hubby has a guys night with a couple friends. Maybe some popcorn and watch Happy Feet or Cars for the millionth time. hehe. The boy has his favorites. Hope everyone is having a good week so far. Have a good one.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Michael III

So Michael is going to be 3 in a little over a month. Man it has gone fast. So I thought this whole terrible two's thing was going to be over but of course my mother-in-law informs that basically there is no such thing and that they are worse when they are 3. He is almost 3 and it is already kicking in let me tell you. I didn't know little ones could get so angry over their cars or trains not doing what they wanted them to do.

Being a first time Mom of course I was week and allowed Michael to sleep with us basically since birth. Well I have to say I am very proud of myself and have taken only 3 days to get him in his own bed (which has been a playground for the last 6 months since we bought it). Of course I miss him sleeping with us sometimes because he is such a cuddler but man it is nice to stretch out too.
We are part way into potty training which is not fun but we are proud of him and he gets very proud of himself. He even wipes the rim off if he "misses". Too cute. It is a work in progress but I have until September when he is supposed to start preschool. I am excited and sad at the same time. He is growing up too fast but I know he will enjoy it. He loves to learn. He already knows his alphabet, capital and lower case letter and he knows the numbers 1 - 10. This is all thanks to his wonderful Gram who bought him the Thomas and Friends Laptop for Christmas. Best thing ever I would suggest it to everyone with little ones. It's wonderful.

He is growing fast so I wanted to use this blog to keep everyone updated on news and pictures.
Love ya all.

Bible Thumper

So some of you may have already read this blog on my myspace page but I wanted to put it on here, basically for me. LOL. I am very happy with the changes I have made. I am a much happier person and I know that if I am happier so is my family. I attend small groups on Wednesday evenings and it gives my son and my husband a chance to have father and daddy time. I also attend MOPS on thursday and have met a wonderful group of women. Thanks to everyone who has been very supportive. Here is my blog from myspace....

So...in recent days someone said..."I didn't know Tresa was a Bible Thumper."

Well as most of you know I haven't exactly lived a Godly life. With 3 marriages under my belt I know that. Things happened throughout my life that turned me away from God which included bad marriages, relationships, 2 miscarriages and the death of a child. That's a lot to take in a short time. To say the least I blamed God or should I say stopped believing. In the last couple years with another almost failing marriage and a battle over a boy who was my miracle baby I knew I had to change something. So one afternoon I walked into Pastor Jess' house and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I cried for an hour straight. I put everything in Gods hands from that moment on. I started to put things back together from there. My wonderful and amazing husband and I got back together and we put our family back together and we couldn't be happier. I know now what I need to do as a good wife and mother. I have also found my church home at Changepoint. It is great.

So......if all this and trying to live my life the way God wants me to makes me a Bible Thumper then yes, I guess I am. Are you?

1st Post

Well this is my 1st post on my new blog. I am going to try to post every day so that people can keep up to date with me and my family. I love you all and I hope you all comment and keep in touch.